June - July 2008
Sommaire |
Interactive French |
Bon et Bien, plus 2 scenarios: one for beginners and one for intermediates
“Le coin des branchés”: Useful and interesting expressions 
La dictée du mois (one for beginners and one for intermediates) |
Interview with expatriates |

Bev and Mike Vinnicombe, owners of the Star Inn, Périgueux.
Real Life |

Getting Others to Respect your Rights! With audio vocabulary 
Tips and Traps |
This is France |
Why Aquitaine?
See pdf sample 
- A Region of Rare Diversity
- My Main Reason for Chosing Aquitaine — A Testimony
- Agenda for the Summer
- A Gourmet's Paradise
- Something English in Sarlat
- A British Couple in the Middle of a Controversy |
French Politics |

Dissention in the Ranks
Gardening |

Le débroussaillage pour tous 
Forthcoming Gardening and/or Organic Events |
The French Scene |
Les Francofolies de La Rochelle
A song: Je suis un homme, by Zazie

21 June: Fête de la musique
A Selection of Books
A children's song: Madame Augustine 
A Literary Text: Familiale , by Jacques Prévert |
Mots croisés - Crosswords
Oh la la la la!... Unbelievable but True Stories of France
Une recette de cuisine (A French recipe):
Magrets de canard au miel
New! Our e-book: Say It With a French Accent |