French Accent Magazine Back Issues
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The price for the issues published before is 6 €/$7 per issue.
Nr.107 - September-November 2024
Learn French at Home
célèbre ses 20 ans
Full table of contents Here
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
With Audio links and exercises.
Les verbes mal utilisés: visiter, rentrer, sortir...
Plus A French artist portrait, la petite histoire, exercises,
literary text, Crossword and much more...!
Download the September-November 2024 issue for free here
Nr.106 - June-August 2024
Full table of contents Here
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
With Audio links and exercises.
Comment mieux dialoguer en Français ?
Plus A French artist portrait, la petite histoire, exercises,
literary text, Crossword and much more...!
Download the June-August 2024 issue for free here
Nr.105 - March-May 2024
Le meilleur de Proust
Son sens de l'humour
Full table of contents Here
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
With Audio links and exercises.
Comment mieux dialoguer en Français ?
Plus A French artist portrait, la petite histoire, exercises,
literary text, Crossword and much more...!
Download the March-May 2024 issue for free here
Nr.104 - December 2023-February 2024
Le Quebec:
6 raisons de visiter
cette belle province
Full table of contents Here
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
With Audio links and exercises.
Partir, quitter, laisser : Several ways to say that you're leaving
Plus A French artist portrait, la petite histoire, exercises,
literary text, Crossword and much more...!
Download the December 2023-February 2024 issue for free here
Nr.103 - September-November 2023
Le Petit Prince:
80 ans et toujours une formidable source d'inspiration
Full table of contents Here
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
With Audio links and exercises.
Jane Birkin: l'anglaise préférée des français
Plus A French artist portrait, la petite histoire, exercises,
literary text, Crossword and much more...!
Download the September-November 2023 issue for free here
Nr.102 - June-August 2023
Un palais pour un amour
Full table of contents Here
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
With Audio links and exercises.
Grammaire: ce qui me plait, ce que j'aime...
Plus A French artist portrait, la petite histoire, exercises,
literary text, Crossword and much more...!
Download the June-August 2023 issue for free here
Nr.97 - June-July 2022
Nos nouveaux
cours de groupes sur Zoom
Full table of contents Here
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
With Audio links and exercises.
How to express doubts nad certitudes in French
Plus A French artist portrait, la petite histoire, exercises,
literary text, Crossword and much more...!
Download the june-july 2022 issue for free here
Nr.96 - April-May 2022
Jeux et activités en groupe
pour étudier en s'amusant
Full table of contents Here
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
With Audio links and exercises.
Présidentielles: le poids de l'abstention
Plus A French artist portrait, la petite histoire, exercises,
literary text, Crossword and much more...!
Download the April-May 2022 issue for free here
Nr.93 - October-November 2021
Une ville unique au monde
Full table of contents Here
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
With Audio links and exercises.
Planter, se planter... Ne vous plantez pas en utilisant ce verbe !
Plus A French artist portrait, la petite histoire, exercises,
literary text, Crossword and much more...!
Download the October-November 2021 issue for free here
Nr.91 - June-July 2021
Les inventions:
un reflet de la créativité française
Full table of contents Here
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
With Audio links and exercises.
Johnny n'est plus mais sa voix demeure
Plus A French artist portrait, la petite histoire, exercises,
literary text, Crossword and much more...!
Download the June-July 2021 issue for free here
Nr.89 - February-March 2021
Amour et Création Artistique
Full table of contents Here
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
With Audio links and exercises.
"I think that...": Comment le dire en français ?
Plus A French artist portrait, la petite histoire, exercises,
literary text, Crossword and much more...!
Download the February-March 2021 issue for free here
Nr.85 - June-July 20
What Did Confinement
Change for You?
Full table of contents Here
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
With Audio links and exercises.
Bikes Are Back in France
Plus A French artist portrait, la petite histoire, exercises,
literary text, Crossword and much more...!
Download the June-Juy 2020 issue for free here
Nr.84 - April-May 20
Confinement Special:
Games and Activities
to Improve Your French
Full table of contents Here
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
With Audio links and exercises.
Coronavirus: A Cultural Divide
Plus A French artist portrait, la petite histoire, exercises,
literary text, Crossword and much more...!
Download the April-May 2020 issue for free here
Nr.83 - February-March 20
The Art of Conversation à la Française
Full table of contents Here
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
How the French Use Exclamations
With Audio links and exercises.
#Me Too: France Faces its Demons
Plus A French artist portrait, la petite histoire, exercises,
literary text, Crossword and much more...!
Download the February-March 2020 issue for free here
Nr.82 - December 19-January 20
Wine, But Not Only
Full table of contents Here
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
An vs année, jour vs journée... How to Know Which One to Use?
With Audio links and exercises.
Strikes in France: The Retirement Dilemma
Plus A French artist portrait, la petite histoire, exercises,
literary text, Crossword and much more...!
Download the December 2019-January 2020 issue for free here
Nr.81 - October-November 19
The Bistros:
A Reflection of French Culture
Full table of contents Here
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Les négations: Tu comprends ? Non, je ne comprends pas
With Audio links and exercises.
Chirac: The Not So Ordinary President
Plus A French artist portrait, la petite histoire, exercises,
literary text, Crossword and much more...!
Download the October-November 2019 issue for free here
Nr.80 - August-September 19
The "Je ne sais quoi" of French Elegance
Full table of contents Here
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
A Few Verbs That Look the Same but are Different
With Audio links and exercises.
The Cutural Heritage of French Cinema
Plus A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire,
literary text, Crossword and much more...!
Download the August September 2019 issue for free here
The Loire Off the Beaten Track
Full table of contents Here
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Grammar: les connecteurs logiques part 2
With Audio links and exercises.
Notre Dame in Flame's
Plus A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire,
literary text, Crossword and much more...!
Download the June-July 2019 issue for free here
The French Love to Read and Write
Full table of contents Here
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Grammar: les connecteurs logiques
With Audio links and exercises.
Macron's Great Debate
Plus A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire,
literary text, Crossword and much more...!
Payment via Paypal
To order the April-May 19 issue, click below:
6 euros
For US/Canadian residents only (Address required in USA or Canada):
US Dollars $7.00
Aternative credit card payment
April-May19 issue
USD $7
*Alternative payment is with BankCardUSA. |
Nr.77 - February-March 19
How France Has Changed in the
Past 50 Years?
Full table of contents Here
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Grammar: Expressing Quantities in French
With Audio links and exercises.
Civil Desobedience for the Planet
Plus A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire,
literary text, Crossword and much more...!
Payment via Paypal
To order the February-March 19 issue, click below:
6 euros
For US/Canadian residents only (Address required in USA or Canada):
US Dollars $7.00
Aternative credit card payment
February-March 19 issue
USD $7
*Alternative payment is with BankCardUSA. |
Nr.76 - December 18 - January 19
Local, Natural & Organic, A New Trend in France
Full table of contents Here
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Grammar: Learn to Love French Adverbs
With Audio links and exercises.
Macron vs Facebook
Plus A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire,
literary text, Crossword and much more...!
Payment via Paypal
To order the December 18-January 19 issue, click below:
6 euros
For US/Canadian residents only (Address required in USA or Canada):
US Dollars $7.00
Aternative credit card payment
December 18-January 19 issue
USD $7
*Alternative payment is with BankCardUSA. |
You can also order a print-on-demand
version here
Nr.75 - October-November 18
How to Choose, Serve and Cut French Cheese?
Full table of contents Here
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Grammar: Talking About the Weather: The Ice Breaking Language
With Audio links and exercises.
Chartres: An Architectural Milestone
Plus A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire,
literary text, Crossword and much more...!
Payment via Paypal
To order the October-November 18 issue, click below:
6 euros
For US/Canadian residents only (Address required in USA or Canada):
US Dollars $7.00
Aternative credit card payment
October-November 18 issue
USD $7
*Alternative payment is with BankCardUSA. |
You can also order a print-on-demand
version here
Nr.74 - August-September 18
Franglais: Not Just a Language,
Almost a Way of Life
Full table of contents Here
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Grammar: Definite or Indefinite Articles
le or la, un or une, les or des...
How to Choose?
With Audio links and exercises.
A National Tribute to Simone Veil
Plus A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire,
literary text, Crossword and much more...!
Payment via Paypal
To order the August-September 18 issue, click below:
6 euros
For US/Canadian residents only (Address required in USA or Canada):
US Dollars $7.00
Aternative credit card payment
August-September 18 issue
USD $7
*Alternative payment is with BankCardUSA. |
You can also order a print-on-demand
version here
Traveling in France:
Communicate Like a Smart Tourist
Full table of contents Here
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Grammar: More or No More? Making the Often‐Confusing Use of plus
a Little Clearer
With Audio links and exercises.
Françoise Nyssen: An Atypical Culture Minister
Plus A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire,
literary text, Crossword and much more...!
Payment via Paypal
To order the June-July 18 issue, click below:
6 euros
For US/Canadian residents only (Address required in USA or Canada):
US Dollars $7.00
Aternative credit card payment
June-July 18 issue
USD $7
*Alternative payment is with BankCardUSA. |
You can also order a print-on-demand
version here
French Cinema:
A Showcase on French Culture
Full table of contents Here
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Grammar: These Frequent Misused Verbs
With Audio links and exercises.
50 years after May 68: What Remains of Its Legacy
Plus A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire,
literary text, Crossword and much more...!
Payment via Paypal
To order the April-May 18 issue, click below:
6 euros
For US/Canadian residents only (Address required in USA or Canada):
US Dollars $7.00
Aternative credit card payment
April-May 18 issue
USD $7
*Alternative payment is with BankCardUSA. |
You can also order a print-on-demand
version here
Nr.71 - February-March 18
Is France Still the Country of Love in a #MeToo World?
Full table of contents Here
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Grammar: These Frequent Misused Verbs
With Audio links and exercises.
Charlotte Gainsbourg: Actor AND Singer
Plus A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire,
literary text, Crossword and much more...!
Payment via Paypal
To order the February-March 18 issue, click below:
6 euros
For US/Canadian residents only (Address required in USA or Canada):
US Dollars $7
Aternative credit card payment
February-March 18 issue
USD $7
*Alternative payment is with BankCardUSA. |
You can also order a print-on-demand
version here
Nr.70 - December 17-January 18
France: A Diverse and Multicultural Society
Full table of contents Here
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Grammar: Bon, Bien, Meilleur, Mieux... Which one to use?
With Audio links and exercises.
Nicolas Hulot: Finally an Inside Player
Plus French books suggestions, A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire, literary text. Crossword and much more...!
Payment via Paypal
To order the December 17-January 18 issue, click below:
6 euros
For US/Canadian residents only (Address required in USA or Canada):
US Dollars $7
Aternative credit card payment
December 17-January 18 issue
USD $7
*Alternative payment is with BankCardUSA. |
You can also order a print-on-demand
version here
Nr.69 - October-November 17
Brussels: The Welcoming
Capital of Europe
Full table of contents Here
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Grammar: Something, Someone, Somewhere... and Their Opposites
With Audio links and exercises.
Jacques Brel: A true Son of Belgium
Plus French books suggestions, A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire, literary text. Crossword and much more...!
Payment via Paypal
To order the October-November 17 issue, click below:
6 euros
For US/Canadian residents only (Address required in USA or Canada):
US Dollars $7
Aternative credit card payment
October-November 17 issue
USD $7
*Alternative payment is with BankCardUSA. |
You can also order a print-on-demand
version here
Nr.68 - August-September 17
Avoid Those Embarassing Faux-Pas
With the French!
Full table of contents Here
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Grammar: The Genders of Compound Words
With Audio links and exercises.
Breaking the Mould: Macron's New Cabinet
Plus French books suggestions, A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire, literary text. Crossword and much more...!
Payment via Paypal
To order the August-September 17 issue, click below:
6 euros
For US/Canadian residents only (Address required in USA or Canada):
US Dollars $7
Aternative credit card payment
August-September 17 issue
USD $7
*Alternative payment is with BankCardUSA. |
You can also order a print-on-demand
version here
France: The Country of Love
A Candid Look at French Cliches
Full table of contents Here
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Grammar: The Genders of Nouns...2: Which Ones Are Considered "Feminine"?
With Audio links and exercises.
Brigitte Macron: An Unconventional First Lady
Plus French books suggestions, A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire, literary text. Crossword and much more...!

Payment via Paypal
To order the June-July 17 issue, click below:
6 euros
For US/Canadian residents only (Address required in USA or Canada):
US Dollars $7
Aternative credit card payment
June-July 17 issue
USD $7
*Alternative payment is with BankCardUSA. |
You can also order a print-on-demand
version here
Speak Fluent French:
Of Course You Can!
Full table of contents Here
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Grammar: The Genders of Nouns: Which Ones Are Considered "Masculine"?
With Audio links and exercises.
Comparing the French and US Health Care Systems
Plus French books suggestions, A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire, literary text. Crossword and much more...!

Payment via Paypal
To order the April-May 17 issue, click below:
6 euros
For US/Canadian residents only (Address required in USA or Canada):
US Dollars $7
Aternative credit card payment
April-May 17 issue
USD $7
*Alternative payment is with BankCardUSA. |
Nr.65 - February-March 17
The Hidden Secrets of Montmartre
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Grammar: L'impératif: More Friendly Thann You Think
With Audio links and exercises.
Benoit Hamon: France's Next President?
Plus French books suggestions, A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire, literary text. Crossword and much more...!
Full table of contents Here
Payment via Paypal
To order the February-March 17 issue, click below:
6 euros
For US/Canadian residents only (Address required in USA or Canada):
US Dollars $7
Aternative credit card payment
February-March 17 issue
USD $7
*Alternative payment is with BankCardUSA. |
Nr.64 - December 16-January 17
France's Sweet Tooth:
Seasonal and Other Treats
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Grammar: Etre en train de... Venir de... Etre dur le point de...
With Audio links and exercises.
The Trump Effect: Could Marine LePen Become President?
Plus French books suggestions, A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire, literary text. Crossword and much more...!
Full table of contents Here
Payment via Paypal
To order the December 16-January 17 issue, click below:
6 euros
For US/Canadian residents only (Address required in USA or Canada):
US Dollars $7
Aternative credit card payment
December 16-January 17 issue
USD $7
*Alternative payment is with BankCardUSA. |
Nr.63 - October-November 16
The Best of France: Champagne!
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Grammar: Adverbs: Formation & Pronunciation
With Audio links and exercises.
The French Hold Primaries
Plus French books suggestions, A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire, literary text. crossword and much more...!
Full table of contents Here
Payment via Paypal
To order the October-November 16 issue, click below:
6 euros
For US/Canadian residents only (Address required in USA or Canada):
7 US Dollars
Aternative credit card payment
October-November 16 issue
USD $7
*Alternative payment is with BankCardUSA. |
Nr.62 - August-September 16
Do You Have the French Attitude?
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Grammar: How to Use the Plural Forms in French?
With Audio links and exercises.
Le "Canard" celebrates a century of Impertinence
Plus French books suggestions, A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire, literary text. crossword and much more...!
Full table of contents Here
Payment via Paypal
To order August-September 16 issue, click below:
6 euros
For US/Canadian residents only (Address required in USA or Canada):
7 US Dollars
Aternative credit card payment
August-September 16 issue
USD $7
*Alternative payment is with BankCardUSA. |
Cuisine du "terroir"
The Reflection of Regional Identities
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Grammar: Some Very Useful Prepositions of Time:
depuis, ça fait, Il y a, pendant, durant, pour
With Audio links and exercises.
Why is All The Fuss about Labour Law Reforms?
Plus French books suggestions, A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire, literary text. crossword and much more...!
Full table of contents Here
Payment via Paypal
To order June-July 16 issue, click below:
6 euros
For US/Canadian residents only (Address required in USA or Canada):
7 US Dollars
Aternative credit card payment
June-July 16 issue
USD $7
*Alternative payment is with BankCardUSA. |
How Do the French
Manage to Stay So Fit?
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Grammar: Some Very Useful Prepositions of Time:
depuis, ça fait, Il y a, pendant, durant, pour
With Audio links and exercises.
Catherine Frot, Best Actress of the Year
Plus French books suggestions, A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire, literary text. crossword and much more...!
Full table of contents Here
Payment via Paypal
To order April-May 16 issue, click below:
6 euros
For US/Canadian residents only (Address required in USA or Canada):
7 US Dollars
Aternative credit card payment
April-May 16 issue
USD $7
*Alternative payment is with BankCardUSA. |
Nr.59 - February-March 16
Paris est toujours Paris...
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Grammar: Talking About the Future
With Audio links and exercises.
Spotlight on Montparnasse
Plus French books suggestions, A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire, literary text. crossword and much more...!
Full table of contents Here
Payment via Paypal
To order February-March 16 issue, click below:
6 euros
For US/Canadian residents only (Address required in USA or Canada):
7 US Dollars
Aternative credit card payment
February-March 16 issue
USD $7
*Alternative payment is with BankCardUSA. |
Nr.58 - December 15-January 16
What Being Polite Means
for the French
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Grammar: Using the Right Polite Forms
With Audio links and exercises.
France in a State of Shock
Plus French books suggestions, A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire, literary text. crossword and much more...!
Full table of contents Here
Payment via Paypal
To order December 15-January 16 issue, click below:
6 euros
For US/Canadian residents only (Address required in USA or Canada):
7 US Dollars
Nr.57 - October-November 15
Raising Children the French Way:
Surprising Revelations...
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Grammar: Two Past Tenses, Two Different Uses
With Audio links and exercises.
Interview: How the Basque Region has Captured my Heart
Plus French books suggestions, A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire, literary text. crossword and much more...!
Full table of contents Here
To order October-November 15 issue, click below:
6 euros
For US/Canadian residents only (Address required in USA or Canada):
7 US Dollars
Nr.56 - August-September 15
La Rochelle: Where Past and Present Charm the Bristish
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Grammar: how to use "Combien"?
With Audio links and exercises.
Interview: pourquoi j'aime la France ?
Plus French books suggestions, A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire, literary text. crossword and much more...!
Full table of contents Here
To order August-September 15 issue, click below:
6 euros
For US/Canadian residents only (Address required in USA or Canada):
7 US Dollars
French Music Past and Present: A Fascinating Window on
French Culture
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Grammar: Je devrais ? Non, il faut...
With Audio links and exercises.
Music and Change: Songs That Have Made a Difference
Plus French books suggestions, A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire, literary text. crossword and much more...!
Full table of contents Here
To order June-July 15 issue, click below:
6 euros
For US/Canadian residents only (Address required in USA or Canada):
7 US Dollars
The Modern French Family
So French!
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Grammar: Ice Breaking Language
With Audio links and exercises.
Is there a Fanily in the Elysée Palace?
Plus French books suggestions, A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire, literary text. crossword and much more...!
Full table of contents Here
To order April-May 15 issue, click below:
6 euros
For US/Canadian residents only (Address required in USA or Canada):
7 US Dollars
Nr.53 - February-March 15
All Different, and Yet United
A Special Issue on French Diversity
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
How to communicate our contact details
With Audio links and exercises.
Desmontrations: A French Tradition, With Sometimes Unexpected Consequences...
Plus French books suggestions, A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire, literary text. crossword and much more...!
Full table of contents Here
To order February-March 15 issue, click below:
6 euros
For US/Canadian residents only (Address required in USA or Canada):
7 US Dollars
Nr.52 - December 14-January 15
Learning French:
When the Dream Comes True
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
C'est vs Il est? That Is the Question
With Audio links and exercises.
Desmontrations: A French Tradition, With Sometimes Unexpected Consequences...
Plus French books suggestions, A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire, literary text. crossword
and much more...!
Full table of contents Here
To order December 14-January 15 issue, click below:
6 euros
For US/Canadian residents only (Address required in USA or Canada):
7 US Dollars
Nr.51 - October-November 14
Working in France:
Useful Tips & Advice
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Say "Il faut" instead of "C'est nécessaire"...
With Audio links and exercises.
The Ex-First Girl Friend Blistering Attack!
Plus French books suggestions, A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire, literary text
and much more...!
Full table of contents Here
To order October-November 14 issue, click below:
6 euros
For US/Canadian residents only (Address required in USA or Canada):
7 US Dollars
Nr.50 - August-September 14
Discover A Little Known
Jewel of Provence...
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Grammar: The Pitfalls of "Plus"
With Audio links and exercises.
The French view of the Gaza Conflict
Plus French books suggestions, A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire, literary text
and much more...!
Full table of contents Here
To order August-September 14 issue, click below:
6 euros
For US/Canadian residents only (Address required in USA or Canada):
7 US Dollars
Summer Festivals:
A Showcase on French Culture
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Reflexive Verbs: You Can't do Without Them (part 2)
With Audio links and exercises.
Environment: The Greening of France
Plus French books suggestions, A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire, literary text
and much more...!
Full table of contents Here
To order June-July 14 issue, click below:
6 euros
For US/Canadian residents only (Address required in USA or Canada):
7 US Dollars
Neither French Nor English:
The French Language Revolution
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Reflexive Verbs: You Can't do Without Them
With Audio links and exercises.
All the President's Men and Women
Plus French books suggestions, A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire, literary text
and much more...!
Full table of contents Here
To order April-May 14 issue, click below:
6 euros
For US/Canadian residents only (Address required in USA or Canada):
7 US Dollars
Nr.47 - February-March 14
Why Do Foreigners Love
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
How to Say Properly "Je t'aime"
in French?
With Audio links and exercises.
Poking fun at Politics
Plus French books suggestions, A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire, literary text
and much more...!
Full table of contents Here
To order February-March 14 issue, click below:
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Nr.46 - December 13-January 14
Christmas in Provence
Old Traditions, and New
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Le passé simple: Is It Really Simple?
With Audio links and exercises.
The Rise of the Front National in France:
A Daunting Perspective
Plus French books suggestions, A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire, literary text
and much more...!
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To order December 13-January 14 issue, click below:
6 euros
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7 US Dollars
Nr.45 - October-November 13
The French and Their Wines
New Trends and Some
Hidden Treasures
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
How to Pronouce the Consonants
With Audio links and exercises.
Femen: The New Feminists
Plus French books suggestions, A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire, literary text
and much more...!
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To order October-November 13 issue, click below:
6 euros
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7 US Dollars
Nr.44 - August-September 13
What's It Like to Live in
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
An Easy to Understand Guide to Pronunciation
With Audio links and exercises.
The New-New Left in France
Plus French books suggestions, A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire, literary text
and much more...!
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To order August-September 13 Issue, click below:
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7 US Dollars
A Great Summer Destination
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Learn The Local Language.
With Audio links and exercises.
Are Foreign Investors Buying up France's Culture?
Plus French books suggestions, A French artist portrait, children story, la petite histoire, literary text
and much more...!
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To order June-July 13 Issue, click below:
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The Little-Known Delights
of Paris
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Those Troublesome Past Participles
With Audio links and exercises.
A Revolution in French Media
Plus French books suggestions, A French artist portrait,
children story, la petite histoire, literary text
and much more...!
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To order April-May 13 Issue, click below:
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Nr.41 - February-March 13
The Pros and Cons of Retiring
to France
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
It Is Never Too Late to Learn French!
With Audio links and exercises.
How to Love the Subjunctive
Plus French books suggestions, A French artist portrait,
children story, la petite histoire, literary text
and much more...!
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To order February-March 13 Issue, click below:
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Nr.40 - December 12-January 13
Shopping: The French Attitude
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
The Language of Politeness in France
With Audio links and exercises.
Back to basics: Directions
Plus French books suggestions, French song, children story, la petite histoire, crosswords, literary text
and much more...!
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To order December 12-January 13 Issue, click below:
6 euros
For US/Canadian residents only (Address required in USA or Canada):
7 US Dollars
Nr.39 - October-November 12
Everything You've Always
Wanted to Know about French
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Grammar: L'impératif, More friendly than you think...
With Audio links and exercises.
Homeschooling Children via Skype
Plus French books suggestions, French song, children story, la petite histoire, crosswords, literary text and much more...!
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To order October-November 12 Issue, click below:
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Nr.38 - August-September 12
Biking in France
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Grammar: Time Prepositions With Audio links and exercises.
The New French Government
Plus French books suggestions, French song, children story, la petite histoire, crosswords, literary text and much more...!
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Ardèche : A Little-Known
Summer Playground
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Grammar: Back to Basics with Audio links and exercises.
Speak Like a French Person...
Plus French books suggestions, French song, children story, la petite histoire, crosswords, literary text and much more...!
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To order June-July 12 Issue, click below:
6 euros
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7 US Dollars
French Associations:
A Vibrant Network of Social Interaction
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Grammar: Back to Basics with Audio links and exercises.
Omar Sy: A Star is Born...
Plus French books suggestions, French song, children story, la petite histoire, crosswords, literary text and much more...!
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To order April-May 12 Issue, click below:
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Nr.35 - February-March 12
The Ongoing Language
(R)Evolution: The French You
Won't Find in Your Textbook
Audio Vocabulary , Role Plays , dictations, French grammar, music, books...
Grammar: Creating Questions in French (part 2) with Audio links and exercises.
Jean Dujardin: The French "Artist".
Plus French books suggestions, French song, children story, la petite histoire, crosswords, literary text and much more...!
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To order February-March 12 Issue, click below:
6 euros
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