April - May 2008
Sommaire |
Interactive French |
Pronouns en and y, plus 2 scenarios: one for beginners and one for intermediates
“Le coin des branchés”: Useful and interesting expressions 
See pdf sample 
La dictée du mois (one for beginners and one for intermediates) |
Interview with expatriates |

Jeff Steiner : an American living in Haute-Savoie.
Real Life |

S.O.S. Emergency! With audio vocabulary 
Tips and Traps: Free Wi-fi in Hotels? Houses for sale? etc. |
This is France |
Living Organic in France See pdf sample 
- Organic Wine
- Scenario: dialogue with a farmer 
- Correns: a Totally Organic Village!
- Forthcoming Organic Fairs
- Basics words and expressions 
- A Few Useful Websites |
French Politics |

Just Who Is Bertrand Delanoë, the Mayor of Paris?
Our Planet |

Genetically Modified Organisms
Don’t Trust Labels! |
The French Scene |

Thomas Dutronc + A Song: J’aime plus Paris 
The French Film of the Year: Bienvenue chez les Ch’tis!
A Selection of Books
A children's poem 
A Literary Text "Le père Achille " |
Mots croisés - Crosswords
Oh la la la la!... Unbelievable but True Stories of France
Une recette de cuisine (A French recipe): Profiteroles au chocolat
Our Participation at “Success in the Dordogne” Exhibition in Perigueux |