Interactive French |
Scenario of the Month: Frequently Misused Verbs 
“Le coin des branchés”: A few useful interesting expressions 
The “Dictée” of the Month 
Real Life |
Interview with an Expatriate: Sue Bailey(Available in the pdf version)
At the Garden Center 
Tips and Traps : What to do in case of a car accident in France 
“Le bricolage pour tous” - Natural Insulation
This is France |
Gardening in France
- Vegetable Gardening In Spring
- Your Ornamental Garden (Available in the pdf version)
- A Few Garden Fairs in April and May (Available in the pdf version)
- Vocabulary |
French Politics |

French Presidential Elections (Available in the pdf version)
Our Planet |
Building out of Wood and Straw
Environment in our Daily Life (Available in the pdf version) |
The French Scene |

Agnes Jaoui
A selection of French DVDs
A Song and a Poem
Letters to the Editor
+ They're talking about us! Blogs and Forums
Oh la la la la!... Unbelievable but True Stories of France (Available in the pdf version)
Une recette de cuisine : Gratin de saumon et pommes de terre (Available in the pdf version) |