TCF – TEF (French or Canadian immigration / citizenship)

Do you wish to live, study, or work in a French speaking country (like France, Switzerland or Canada)? Then you will likely need to pass the TCF French Exam (or TEF French Exam)! Note: Also see the FIDE Exam for Switzerland.
In addition to the DELF/DALF courses, these exams will evaluate your French language level.
Depending on the test, you will either receive a certificate or a diploma. The certificates are valid for a certain period whereas the diplomas are valid for life. It’s important to choose the test that makes the most sense to your situation – do you need to show proof of your French level for immigration purposes, or to a university, or to a company?
Our French language advisors are happy to help you choose the test that fits your current needs. Once you have made your choice, our friendly and experienced French native teachers will customize a one-on-one French course on Zoom or Skype for you. They will work with you until you feel confident and ready to successfully pass the test.
The TCF (Test Connaissance du Français) : multi-purpose + immigrating to France or Quebec.
The TCF is an official French language exam for anyone who wishes to evaluate and validate their French language skills in a simple and reliable manner for personal, professional, or academic reasons. It is administered by the France Education International.
Why take the TCF?
There are several reasons to take the TCF French Exam. This test is available in several versions, depending on the various needs:
- TCF general public is for anyone who wishes to show and certify their current French level whether for personal, professional or academic reasons.
- TCF Quebec is aimed at individuals who need to validate their French level, as part of the procedures for obtaining the Quebec selection certificate (CSQ) leading to a permanent visa.
- TCF IRN – The TCF IRN is aimed at all foreign nationals over 16 years old who want to confirm their level of French (up until level B1) in order to apply for French nationality, and to apply for a long-term residence permit.
- TCF DAP (Request for prior admission) is aimed at foreign students who want to certify their French level, to study in certain higher establishments in the country.
How long is the TCF certification valid for?
Unlike the DELF/DALF (lien), the TCF Exam does not issue a language diploma but a temporary certification for the linguistic abilities of a candidate valid for 2 years. This certificate allows you to situate your level of French (from A1 to C2 levels).
To apply for ‘une carte de résident’, you need to have a minimum of A2 French level
To apply for French citizenship, you need to have a minimum of B1 French level
What does the TCF test consist of?
The TCF French Exam is made up of four compulsory tests assessing general French language skills.
- Listening comprehension: computer-based collective test – multiple-choice questions
- Reading comprehension: computer-based multiple choice questions
- Written expression: computer-based collective test
- Oral expression: individual face-to-face test with an examiner
The exam lasts between 1 hour 15 minimum and 2 hours 37 maximum, it depends on the TCF type.
Find more information about the TCF exam here
Would you like to have a free evaluation session about this French exam preparation programme with one of our Language Advisors?
Please fill out this Contact form and a language advisor will get back to you within 24 hours.
The TEF (Test d’évaluation du Français) – For work, French or Canadian citizenship
Delivered by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Paris. The TEF French Exam is an international benchmark test that measures your level of knowledge and skills in French.
Why take the TEF?
Available in several versions, depending on the various needs and target audience, the TEF Exam certificate is useful in these situations:
- TEF : to study in France or in Canada; to certify your level of French for work.
- TEF IRN: to obtain French citizenship or the resident card.
- TEFAQ (CANADA): to immigrate to Canada or for Canadian citizenship.
The goal of TEF is to evaluate the French skills of the candidate using a scale of 7 levels that range from 0+ level (basic skills) to level 6 (complete control).
How long is the TEF certification valid for?
The TCF certification is valid for 2 years.
What does the TEF exam consist of?
The TEF French Exam consists of 5 modular tests:
- Oral comprehension
- Written comprehension
- Oral Expression
- Written Expression
- Vocabulary and syntax
The exam lasts between 1 hour 20 minimum and 3 hours 25 maximum, it depends on the TEF type.
Would you like to have a free evaluation session about this French exam preparation programme with one of our Language Advisors?
Please fill out this Contact form and a language advisor will get back to you within 24 hours.
Note: We can also prepare you for the DCL FLE (Français Langue Etrangère) national diploma (diplôme de compétence en langue) for business from the French Ministry of Education. Contact us for more details.
How are the TCF / TEF Exams Preparation French Lessons Organized by Learn French at Home?
Each lesson will last 60 minutes via Skype, Zoom or Google Meet. During the lesson, we’ll work on written comprehension, the written production and the expression production of the different exam parts. For homework, we will assign you work to practice the oral and written comprehension. Each lesson is personalized to your level and to your pace of learning. You have to make sure that you can allocate at least 1 ½ hours of homework time for each lesson. The homework will be prepared and corrected by the teacher.
The TCF / TEF Exam Prep lessons are sold in packages of 12. Each personalized lesson lasts one hour followed by 1 ½ hours of homework prepared and corrected by the teacher.
Will I need to buy some material for my exam preparation?
The French language advisor or the teacher will let you know if you need to purchase some material. It will be depending on your current French level and your French learning objectives.
Definition of French levels
Definitions of the A2 to C2 levels, CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages):
A2 level – Elementary French : You can express yourself in very basic everyday situations related to personal or family information, shopping, immediate environment, work. You can communicate in easy or habitual tasks requiring a basic and direct information exchange on familiar subjects. You use simple words and you can ask easy uncomplicated questions. You are getting more and more comfortable conjugating verbs in the present tense and you’re starting to conjugate a few verbs in the passé composé, imparfait and futur simple.
B1 – intermediate French level: You can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar subjects in work, school, and leisure activities. You are able to manage most situations when traveling. You can narrate a simple story, an experience and ask questions with ease. You’re able to express wishes, worries, goals and hopes. You can speak in the present, past and future and you understand how to use the conditional tense.
B2 – Upper French intermediate level: You understand the main ideas of concrete or abstract topics in a complex text. You can communicate with a degree of spontaneity and fluency during a conversation with a native speaker, in a way that is comfortable for everyone. You’re able to speak in a clear, detailed way on many subjects; express an opinion on current affairs, giving the advantages and disadvantages of the various options.
C1–Advanced French level: You understand a wide range of long and complex texts, including any sub-textual or stylistic nuances. You can express yourself freely and fluidly, without obviously fumbling for words. You can use the language effectively and fluently in a social, professional, or academic context. You can speak in a clear, organized way about complex subjects, developing a well-structured argument.
Pricing Options
Thank you for paying in the currency of your country of residence. Euro for European residents; GBP for British residents; USD for USA, CA, AU and rest of the world except Europe.
12 pack lessons
- 54 €/lesson
- 648 € Total
24 pack lessons
- 53 €/lesson
- 1272 € Total
- 52 €/lesson
- 1872 € Ttl.
- 50 €/lesson
- 2400 € Ttl.
12 pack lessons
- £46/lesson
- £552 Total
24 pack lessons
- £45/lesson
- £1,080 Total
- £44/lesson
- £1,584 Total
- £42/lesson
- £2,016 Total
12 pack lessons
- $60/lesson
- $720 Total
24 pack lessons
- $59/lesson
- $1,416 Total
- $58/lesson
- $2,088 Total
- $56/lesson
- $2,688 Total
12 pack lessons
- 55 Fr/lesson
- 660 Fr. Ttl.
24 pack lessons
- 54 Fr/lesson
- 1296 Fr. Ttl.
- 53 Fr/lesson
- 1908 Fr. Ttl.
- 51 Fr/lesson
- 2448 Fr. Ttl.
Ecrit – Compréhension note : 24/25
Production note : 20,50/25
Oral – Compréhension note : 21/25
Production note : 24,50/25
Je vous remercie encore Virginie, pour toute l’aide que vous m’avez apportée durant cette préparation d’examen et ne peut que vous féliciter aussi pour vos qualités d’enseignante!
Je vous souhaite une bonne continuation dans l’enseignement et que d’autres étudiants pourront eux-aussi profiter de vos connaissances. Bien cordialement, Carene”
Elle est organisée, elle explique l’information bien et elle me donne beaucoup de ressources pour assurer mon progrès. Je suis très contente, le format est super.