Pronouns En and Y. We hear them and we see them everywhere. How do we use them?
Let’s first start by defining en.
As a pronoun (be sure not to confuse it with the preposition en ) it is used for many reasons and in many contexts. Here are the most important ones.
En is a pronoun that replaces de or an indefinite determiner such as du, de l’, de la, des + a noun; en can be translated as ‘some’ or ‘of it’, or ‘not any’ in a negative context. It is most often used for indefinite quantities of something, but can also be used to replace the preposition de + a noun (but not a person) in many expressions where verbs are followed by de.
Note: en is placed in front of the verb.
Voulez-vous du café ? = Would you like some coffee?
Oui, j’en veux ! = Yes, I would like some!
Voulez-vous un peu de sucre dans votre café ? = Would you like some sugar in your coffee?
Non merci, je n’en veux pas = No thank you, I don’t want any.
Est-ce que vous vous souvenez du dernier café que vous avez pris avec moi ? = Do you remember the last coffee you took with me?
Oui je m’en souviens ! = Yes I remember!
Avez-vous parlé de vos vacances ? = Did you talk about your holidays?
Oui, nous en avons parlé pendant toute la soirée = Yes, we talked about them all evening.
Il adore discuter de politique = He loves discussing politics.
Ah oui, il m’énerve ! Il en discute tout le temps! = Ah, yes, he really bugs me! He discusses it all the time.
When using en with the imperative (command form), en is placed after the verb, as in this example:
Prenez du café ! Prenez-en = Take/have some coffee!
However, if the command is negative, en goes back in front of the verb:
Ne m’en parle plus ! = Don’t talk to me about it any more!
If there is an expression of quantity like beaucoup de (a lot of), peu de (a little of) or a number, then en will replace the noun but the modifier or the number will be placed at the end of the sentence.
For example:
Veux-tu un peu de crème dans ton café ? = Do you want some cream in your coffee?
Oui, j’en veux bien un peu, merci ! = Yes, I would like some, thank you!
Aimerais-tu deux ou trois biscuits ? = Would you like two or three cookies?
Oh, j’en veux trois, s’il te plaît ! = Oh, I would like three (of them) please!
As-tu un dictionnaire français chez toi ? = Do you have a French dictionary in your home?
Oui j’en ai un ! = Yes I have one (of them).
Note: En usually cannot replace de + verb .
J’ai décidé de prendre ce travail – J’ai décidé de le prendre. = I decided to take this work – I decided to take it.
J’ai essayé de mettre la robe – Je l’ai essayée. = I tried to put on the dress – I tried it on.
Finally, you will find en in some everyday expressions – they are very useful to learn!
The French use them quite frequently:
Je m’en vais ! = I’m leaving!
J’en ai assez ! = I’ve had enough!
J’en ai marre ! = I’m fed up!
Je m’en fiche ! = I don’t care!
Je n’en peux plus ! = I can’t handle this anymore!
Ne vous en faites pas ! = Don’t you worry about it! (a negative command)
Je lui en veux, ou j’en veux à… ! = I cannot forgive him, or I am upset with…!