Learning the French language may seem to be a difficult task if you’re just starting out. We’ve put together this list of totally awesome and “free” french language lessons just for you. Our list of free french language courses will have you speaking and understanding basic French in no time. The list contains french lessons in formats such as online tutorials, free ebooks with audio examples (to develop proper pronunciation), and free French lessons over Skype! Are you ready? Let’s get started.

Learn French Language With These Totally Free Lessons
1. Learn French Pronunciation
One of the most difficult parts of learning French is pronunciation of vowels, consonants, and syllables. This 12 minute video will get you on the express train to learning proper French pronunciation.
Lesson Time: 12 Minutes
2. How To Say I Love You In French
If you want to learn the language of love, then you should know the very basics. French is a complex language. This lesson will not only teach you how to say I love you in French, it will teach you how to say the varying degrees of affection in French.
Lesson Time: 15 Minutes
3. How to Speak Politely In French
Politeness is an important part of French culture. Foreigners oftentimes give the impression that they are being rude. Oftentimes it’s a lack of French language skills. And then again, some people are just cheeky to say the least. And unfortunately we can’t help you in that department. The good news is that most people can improve their Politeness as a result of these fun and easy tutorials.
Lesson Time: 5 Minutes
4. Learn French Through Cooking
Learn French language with these easy to follow French recipes. We thoughtfully and carefully created side by side recipes written in English and translated to French for your learning enjoyment. Bon Appétit!
Lesson Times: Varies per Recipe
5. Get a Free French Language Lesson on Skype
We saved the best for last. If you liked the four previous free lessons then you will love this one. Get a FREE live one-on-one French lesson from a native speaking teacher over Skype. The French teacher will asses your current language skills, teach you new skills, and prescribe a solid learning path. This free online lesson is valued at $40.00.
Lesson Time: 30 Minutes