Take our DELF-DALF exam preparation course to pass the test with flying colors. Why waste hours learning the test from a book when you can have a live native French speaking language expert help you pass the test?

What is the DELF/DALF Diploma?
DELF and DALF are diplomas administered by the French Ministry of Education which are recognized everywhere in the world. The DELF and DALF are offered in 154 countries and at 900 exam centers around the world.
DELF preparation
Why Should I Take the DELF-DALF Exam Preparation Course?
It adds credibility and importance to your resume. The diplomas are recognized everywhere in the world and valued by French and European employers. Taking these exams is an opportunity to find out what your real level of French is and to get your French skills certified.
What is my skill level?
You can complete this online test which will qualify you for a specific level:
What Are The Different Levels?
DELF (diplôme d’études en langue française)
DELF A1: This level recognises basic knowledge. It is the most basic level at which a language is used, called the “discovery” stage. At this stage, the learner can interact in a simple way: he/she can speak about him/herself and his/her immediate environment.
DELF A2: It is based on the same principle: it recognises the linguistic competency of a basic user, considered as a social actor. The candidate can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring the most common polite phrases and exchanges of information.
DELF B1: At this level, the user becomes independent. He/she can maintain interaction: he/she can understand and maintain a discussion and give his/her opinion. He/she is capable of dealing with situations likely to arise in daily life.
DELF B2: A B2 user has a degree of independence that allows him/her to construct arguments to defend his/her opinion, explain his/her viewpoint and negotiate. At this level, the candidate has a degree of fluency and spontaneity in regular interactions and is capable of correcting his/her own mistakes.
DALF C1: Language users at level C1 are independent. They can express themselves fluently and spontaneously . They have a large vocabulary and can choose the appropriate expression to introduce their comments. They can produce clear, well-structured discourse without hesitation and which shows controlled use of structures.
DALF C2: At this level, users’ proficiency in the language is illustrated by precision, appropriateness and fluency of expression. C2 candidates are capable of using the language for academic and advanced-level purposes.
What Is The Structure of The Examination?
The tests for each diploma evaluate the following 4 skills: oral comprehension and expression, written comprehension and expression. Total grade out of 100 – Minimum grade for obtaining the diploma: 50/100
How Can I Prepare For These Exams?
Take our DELF-DALF exam preparation course. We will provide you with exercises and sample tests to help strengthen your weak areas. By the end of the program, you will be prepared to pass the test. Looking for a DELF-DALF examination center? Follow this link: https://www.france-education-international.fr/centres-d-examen/liste
How are the DELF-DALF French Lessons Organized by Learn French at Home?
Each lesson will last 60 minutes via Skype, Google Meet or Zoom. During the lesson, we’ll work on written comprehension, the written production and the expression production of the different exam parts. For homework, we will assign you work to practice the oral and written comprehension. Each lesson is personalized to your level and to your pace of learning. You have to make sure that you can allocate 1 ½ hours of homework time for each lesson. The homework will be sent to you within 24 hours after your lesson, it will be prepared and corrected by the teacher.
How Long is the Course and What is the Cost of the Preparation to Pass the DELF/DALF EXAM?
You will need at least 10 months of preparation at a rate of one lesson per week (1-hour lesson + 1 ½ hours of homework) in order to be ready to pass the exam to the next level. It can be less or more depending on your pace. You can reduce the time frame by taking 2 lessons per week.
The lessons are sold in packages of 12. Each personalized lesson lasts one hour followed by 1 ½ hours of homework prepared and corrected by the teacher.
Do I need to purchase any French learning materials?
Your French teacher will ask you to purchase one of the exam preparation methods which you will be able to purchase on Amazon.
In addition, Learn French at Home has created a series of ebooks to help you pass the test. The ebooks have audio links to practice your verbal comprehension skills and grammar exercises. According to your current level, you will have to buy the material below in the Course Requirement.
Course Requirements
- PC, Mac, or Android Device
- Broadband Internet Connection
- French learning material (One time fee of $35/30€/£29)
-For levels DELF A1 to B1 – 4 eBooks from our online store:
–Grammar French Basics eBook
–Say it with a French Accent eBook
–Short Suspense Stories eBook
–Short Suspense Stories eBook- Nr2
-For levels DELF B2 to C2 – 4 eBooks from our online store:
–Say it with a French Accent eBook
–Short Suspense Stories eBook
–Short Suspense Stories eBook- Nr2
–Short Suspense Stories eBook- Nr3
A DELF/DALF textbook will also be assigned to you by the teacher.
Do You Want More Information About the DELF/DALF Preparation Course?
Please fill out this Contact form and a language advisor will get back to you within 24 hours.
We also offer exam preparation for the DELF Junior, for the TEF/TCF for French nationality or the FIDE for Swiss residency.
Pricing Options
Thank you for paying in the currency of your country of residence. Euro for European residents; GBP for British residents; USD for USA, CA, AU and rest of the world except Europe.
12 pack lessons
- $60/lesson
- $720Total
12 pack of lessons
- $63/lesson
- $756 Total
24 pack lessons
- $59/lesson
- $1,416 Total
24 pack lessons
- $62/lesson
- $1,488 Total
- $58/lesson
- $2,088 Total
- $61/lesson
- $2,196 Total
- $56/lesson
- $2,688 Total
- $59/lesson
- $2,832 Total
12 pack lessons
- £46/lesson
- £552 Total
12 pack of lessons
- £49/lesson
- £588 Total
24 pack lessons
- £45/lesson
- £1,080 Total
24 pack lessons
- £47/lesson
- £1,128 Total
- £44/lesson
- £1,584 Total
- £46/lesson
- £1,656 Total
- £42/lesson
- £2,016 Total
- £44/lesson
- £2,112 Total
12 pack lessons
- 54 €/lesson
- 648 € Total
12 pack of lessons
- 57 €/lesson
- 684 € Total
24 pack lessons
- 53 €/lesson
- 1272 € Total
24 pack lessons
- 56 €/lesson
- 1344 € Total
- 52 €/lesson
- 1872 € Total
- 55 €/lesson
- 1980 € Total
- 50 €/lesson
- 2400 € Ttl.
- 53 €/lesson
- 2544 € Ttl.
12 pack lessons
- 55 Fr/lesson
- 660 Fr Total
12 pack of lessons
- 58 Fr/lesson
- 696 Fr Total
24 pack lessons
- 54 Fr/lesson
- 1296 Fr Total
24 pack lessons
- 57 Fr/lesson
- 1368 Fr Total
- 53 Fr/lesson
- 1908 Fr Total
- 56 Fr/lesson
- 2016 Fr Total
- 51 Fr/lesson
- 2448 Fr Ttl.
- 54 Fr/lesson
- 2592 Fr Ttl.
Ecrit – Compréhension note : 24/25
Production note : 20,50/25
Oral – Compréhension note : 21/25
Production note : 24,50/25
Je vous remercie encore Virginie, pour toute l’aide que vous m’avez apportée durant cette préparation d’examen et ne peut que vous féliciter aussi pour vos qualités d’enseignante!
Je vous souhaite une bonne continuation dans l’enseignement et que d’autres étudiants pourront eux-aussi profiter de vos connaissances. Bien cordialement, Carene”
After completing a Master’s degree in French 20 years ago at an American university, I decided to take the DALF C1 and C2 exam to brush up on my French after years of neglect in the hopes of regaining some lost fluency and passing the difficult exam. With 10 months lead-time, I enrolled at Learn French at Home and was able to work via Skype each week with one of their fine French teachers. The teachers are all native French speakers adding to the authenticity of the program. After an initial consultation with Céline, I was matched with Marion.
From our first lesson, and in each and every subsequent lesson, Marion was masterful in balancing the written and oral work and preparation required of me to do well on the test. She was engaged, responsive, insightful, encouraging and extremely knowledgeable. I managed to pass the C1 exam this summer. While I understand that I put in the work, I can say without a doubt that I could not have done so without Marion’s commitment and help. With Marion’s support, I am confident that I will continue to broaden my scope and understanding of French and will successfully pass the C2 exam at the end of this year. Marion is an exemplary teacher and Learn French at Home a superb and stellar program so it is without reservation that I recommend both to any student looking to discover the exuberance and joy of the French language learning.
Elle est organisée, elle explique l’information bien et elle me donne beaucoup de ressources pour assurer mon progrès. Je suis très contente, le format est super.
My teacher is wonderful. We get on so well and we talk about anything and everything, all the while I am putting my spoken French to the test and at the same time learning, as Audrey is writing up any queries or corrections, yet never stopping the flow of conversation. Audrey always has the answers to my (MANY) questions and has a great way of explaining. She always makes the homework personal to me, so that it is relevant to my needs.
I find Audrey to be warm, interesting and patient, we laugh a lot together and she is very motivated and encouraging. I am going to miss my lessons but I am going to avail of some conversational classes after the summer holidays to keep my spoken French alive and to hopefully keep improving.
I would recommend this method of learning to everyone-you will be amazed how quickly you progress and how much fun you have in doing so. Bonne chance”
Les sujets étaient:
– Faut-il limiter et contrôler l’usage de mobile, SMS et internet chez les adolescents? A quelle manière?
– Un concierge dans les entreprise pour les cadres supérieure qui peut organiser des choses privées, comme un cadeau pour l’anniversaire d’épouse, faire des courses etc. Est-ce que c’est une bonne idée?
J’ai choisi le premier sujet. Je suis très contente 🙂. Merci de ton aide !”
Mes notes était: Compréhension oral 14/25, Production écrite: 15/25, Production oral: 20.5/25, Compréhension écrite: 24.5/25, total: 74/100
Je suis très content. Merci beaucoup Céline encore pour tout ton aide, ta patience et ton soutien. Je n’aurais pas pu le faire du tout sans toi.
Marion – merci aussi pour tout votre soutien et pour toutes les excellentes ressources de Learnfrenchathome. J’ai eu une superbe expérience d’apprentissage et je vous recommanderai très fortement à mon entreprise pour futur besoin d’apprentissage du français.